Day 47 – Arnissa to Lagyna

My cold kept me up most of the night, and in an enclosed, cramp tent it wasn’t the best night sleep I had ever had. I got up and went back into town to grab a bit of food and ate the leftover bread from supper the night before.

I headed down and out of the mountains and into the coastal city of Thessaloniki. It had been a tough day, and so I opted to cycle around the city and up into the hills. In the late afternoon as I was climbing, I saw a group of men eating on the side of the road; there was a street van serving food, so I went to check it out, again no one spoke English so a lot of pointing and nodding. I tried to understand what they were all talking about but I just relaxed and watched them chatting away. The owner kept coming over to try a few English words here and there and google translate help me out a bit.

I cycled on into the evening and found a spot to camp overlooking the valley ahead; I watched the sun go down behind the distant hills. It had been a slog today, but I was hoping for better tomorrow.