
Day 13 – Gilgil to Lake Naivasha

Unlucky 13!! The plan had been to get to Naivasha and then climb the escarpment towards Limuru then come back on me, but that was blown out of the water at about 3.30 am when I woke in a cold sweat and then was sick till morning. When I rose to meet Francesca, I didn’t want to tell her about my night but as soon as I opened my mouth to say good morning I was running for the bathroom again. I was determined to get to Naivasha but for anyone who has had food poisoning the last thing you want to do is run or walk 30 km in the blistering heat. Francesca tried to persuade me to stay but I felt I could do it. After 2 km I felt like turning back but I thought just try 5km more after that I fell asleep under a tree for an hour. It was really tough, I was going on nothing and when I am meant to be getting 6000 odd calories then it is never a good idea to go on. I wasn’t hungry though and when lunch came a piece of bread was all I had. Heading to Naivasha was good though I was right next to the conservancy so I was seeing wild animals most of the way down to keep me entertained.


I arrived in Naivasha mid-afternoon it had been a real struggle especially and the infuriatingly slow pace. I had very kindly been offered a place to stay in sanctuary farm, I was originally meant to be staying with a family friend there but due to tragic circumstances, I had to rearrange. I met someone in Naivasha town who then took me to the farm and to Sybilla. As we drove through avoiding the giraffes and zebra in the road we pull up to the house to find one of the giraffes peeking through the window and in the garden !! So this is very normal here. I was feeling better but thought I should remain on very plain foods. Sybilla was great and took me round to the neighbours to pick up some electronic machine that is supposed to make my leg better and to meet them, and then cooked me rice and lentils for supper. I felt really bad, I was so tired and was in bed before 9!! Quite a boring guest…..