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David Haze (Adventurer)

In today’s episode, we have David Haze, David has a life now full of adventure but it is a life that is very different to the one before his arrest. Previously, David had struggled with gambling after his business was unsuccessful and this caused him to make questionable choices. He succumbed to the slippery slope of crime but was quick to realise his mistakes, admitting that he let his hunger for adventure “slip away” during this period. The prison was an opportunity for David to rethink his actions, and he set the course for world records and helping people into adventure. Today on the podcast we talk about his experiences and how he has changed.

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Transcript of our Conversation

Nomadic Paddler

[00:00:00] Nomadic Paddler: I mean the first one, the first climate committee, please sort of bring the, all the time saying, you know, you’re going to jail, you’re going to jail. And I didn’t tell anyone. I kept this all to myself by no much bottom up. And, and through that, I saw how the door supposed to break down and the time came corpse.

And now they end up disappearing for five weeks, which then resulted in crimes committed. So.

my next guest is an adventurer and stand up paddle boarder. He uses that experience to drive him forward and uses adventures to pursue a more meaningful life. Today on the podcast, we talk about some of his adventures and about some of the amazing stuff he has done over the last year. So I am delighted to introduce David Hayes to the show.

Thanks for [00:01:00] having me. No worry. It’s an absolute pleasure. And you’ve been pretty busy in the last couple of months doing breaking bread chords up and down the UK. I mean, I can’t wait to sort of hear about. But before we start let’s for people listening, let’s hear about you and how you got into this sort of world of adventure and paddle boarding.

Yeah. I mean, growing up, I always used to love adventure. As a child, I would always be outside. You know, my mom would struggle getting me back inside. I went to military school as well, so. When, when on the weekends, there’s a boarding school, we’d always go into the woods. Playing would congregate, we’d get off, you know, off our dads and our moms are in the military.

And it was like, we were older. I moved to London and I sort of just lost their sense of adventure. I got rattle, rattle battens as well that I was in, in London. And I realized I was stuck in a rut. And I was trying to think, what, what is it, why am I not living? A fulfilled life. Why am I not happy? And I sort of put my finger on it.

It was adventure. I [00:02:00] used to love adventure. I mean, I almost to myself to getaway for adventure and I created this motto for my own personal life. It’s through adventure. We live. So I try and live my life now through this motto. Oh, very nice. And so you’ve sort of, how long have you been paddle boarding? Oh, yeah.

I think paddle boarding for about, probably about six years now. I got in, I served for life in those days when I couldn’t go surfing. I mean, especially in UK, down in Bournemouth I turned paddleboarding. What I loved was the extra sense of freedom that it gives me very, very true. I mean, down on the case, you, you’re very lucky to have that.

And I suppose in the last sort of few years, you sort of been building up to this sort of thing. What was the sort of trigger apart from the sort of work? Was it sort of, you quit work and you decided, or you quit that sort of line of work, and then you decided I’m going to pursue. Yeah. So I quit that line of work did [00:03:00] some passionate about which is supporting team.

So I’ve been consulted with the criminal justice system. So I started really passionate about I’m trying to do the adventure as well for full-time career. So I’ve came back down into boards. And then I notice with the whole paddleboarding as well, something like that, but the expiration near the venture side of the school, we haven’t even hit the limit of where we can get to at the moment.

So, you know, we install these magazines and watch all these people, these adventures, I’m thinking, why can’t I go out and do this? You know? So that’s what I’m trying to do now. So go out there. And so it’d be one of the guys at the front and pushing the boundaries of paddleboard. And would you say with that sort of prison reform, because I.

[00:04:00] Four consecutive days and attempt to achieve four world records on each one. And so what was the sort of as you say, you’ve got Alliance of sport on your shirt right now, what was the sort of, was that, was that the sort of charity sponsor for it? Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, what they do is they use the power sports in the criminal justice system to help tackle reform and rehabilitation, which, you know, such a worthy cause.

And what I like when I take on any sort of challenges I like working with the smaller charities. I mean, love what they did, what the charter of the big charities do. And I love all that work, but I think these small ones seem to get more recognition. And so tell us about this sort of paddle boarding and adventure.

You, what were the four lakes that you did? Yeah. So the longest one up in Scotland lock, or, and then you come down to England, which is like, Wyndham, Over to Northern Ireland where she got [00:05:00] lacunae and then you finish off in panoramic, which is in north Wales instead of Donia. Oh, very nice. I mean, I’ve been to the lake district and I had to say lake Windermere is just absolutely stunning.

It’s the sort of parts of it, which are just, just incredible. And I suppose just, as you say, say lucky to sort of. Huddle board, these sort of areas, it sort of gives you time and space to really absorb yourself into the landscape. Yeah. I mean, just even off the water, the Surrey, the scenery around it, it’s just so magnificent.

I think when you drive into these lakes as well, I think there should be warnings all over the road because all you’re doing is just try and look for everything or housing fortunately road. It’s just, it’s so beautiful. You there, it’s up to you. Love outlet. This expedition, you, did you have a support team for it?

Yes. We hired a camper van and I had my girlfriend had no school and water. So what happened? My girlfriend dropped me off at the beginning. I was in [00:06:00] contact with her for a VHF radio, and then she was there at the end. So I’ve got an, any trouble. I could radio radio, any support that I might need it. I mean, lakes like, like Windemere and Pattanaik, you know, this is the quite small one as low as support on there anyway, but the other two, I mean, look, can they straightaway naps?

I was blown away by the sheer size of it, but trying to get help on any of those two can be a lot more. Yeah. And so for people listening, who have never been to, let’s say these lakes, can you describe what they’re like? Yeah. So look all was up in the Highlands in Scotland. I mean, on paper, it’s the longest and the most narrow.

And I remember just going down when he’s back roads through imposter lake to get down to the stop. And there’s a point where the lake just opened up to me and I just saw it and I was like, wow, that’s actually pretty big. I was like, it doesn’t look that big on the map. So you’ve got time. And the thing is with Lockwood, it’s quite remote area as well.

I mean, getting down as the start of it and all it was was a [00:07:00] youth hostel where. And there was nothing else around. And when I go onto the lake, you just, you’re looking around and you can see nothing manmade or around you is you just felt so alone, but it felt so calm. So peaceful actually love every moment to be on that lake.

And same with like, and the view just over the lake. Just again it’s unbelievable. And were you quite lucky? I mean, when were you doing this? It was about three weeks ago. So June 14th is when I started. Oh, wow. Very recent. Were you lucky with the weather then? I was like, Lock or unlock Nate willing to stop, pick up, start to pick up for me and, you know, just start rolling some waves on there, which was quite surprised by the slides them considering it’s a lake as well.

But apart from that, that was all right. It wasn’t raining, which is all eczema. Good. And so you were doing this for the charity. Can [00:08:00] you sort of describe to people the sort of charity and maybe why. They’re sort of charities so important to you. Yeah. And so let’s say they use the power of sports you know, criminal justice and to help tackle, reform and rehabilitation and working in the industry.

I know a lot about the power of sport and you know, the power of rehabilitation. So I’ve experienced myself. And part of the reason that, you know, I do a lot of these ventures, you’ve sort of had experience. Yeah. I’ve, you know, I’ve done a bit of time inside before. And that’s why I sort of used the venture as a tool to live a much more meaningful life.

I mean, I think that’s what pushes me to get. Oh, very nice. And I suppose by having that past experience is sort of what, you know, can drive you now towards it. And I did this, sorry. And so it does it sort of help other people? Yeah. I mean, what I do [00:09:00] is I try to use my ventures platform to sort of still highlight the importance of reform rehabilitation.

I want to show other people like myself, that, you know, your past, don’t define who you are and mistakes. Don’t find you. The right commitment and attitude, you can continue anything virus. I want to try and change perspective on people like myself to create more positive and safer communities as well.

What sort of led you down that path? Did you, do you think. It was living in London. It was getting stuck in this stuck. You know, I do well working for myself working in Forex. And then I ended up losing my job. And then from that, you know, everything just spiraled up control for me. And to enter a big black hole one crying ended up getting another job.

And then from the from there, I ended up and go into more crime, which led me to end up. Do you think it was a sort of spiral as you say, [00:10:00] just going from one to the other? Yeah. I mean the first one, the first climate committee please sort of bring me all the time saying, you know, you’re going to jail, you’re going to jail.

And I didn’t tell anyone. I kept this all to myself by no much bottled up. And, and through that, I saw how to know the breakdown and the time came corpse. I, now I end up disappearing for five weeks, which then resulted in crimes committed to end up in prison. Got it. And so I suppose what’s so great is that as you say, from your experience on the insight you are now using as a tool to sort of help and inspire others and have you got more big plans for the summer ahead?

Yes. So I’m working with some other charities as well. They’re all sort of work around adventure prison reform. Next month I’m doing a three peaks and taken up some guys who’ve also done some time in jail. Who’ve never been out in nature. So doing that connect nature, trying to [00:11:00] Christian free, free pizza, 24 hours a day.

Then August on trialing our half ultra download on the drastic coast, which I’m really excited about September. I mean, to do the river Thames and a paddle that’s 208 kilometers attempting to do that nonstop, which would be another world record successful. Or they want to try and do the longest lake in Southern Ireland and then try and run this campaign out across Europe.

I mean, I think. No. You had Nick butts when you showed in the past. Yeah, so I mean, Nick butts he’s inspired me for these things. So, I mean, I’ve seen him run, you know, a friend’s book, running a marathon in every country in the world. And this seeing him do that, I was thinking, why can I not do the same?

Maybe even spoke to his agent, saw me quite a lot of advice as well. Yeah. And Nick bought a great, he was on the show, as you said earlier on, and he had such a great story and such a sort of positive outlook on life. [00:12:00] Thinking at the moment, he’s sort of trying to run round the UK in a hundred days or something.

Two marathons every day. Yeah. Yeah. He seems to be. And so was this your first big expedition with paddle boarding?

Back in September, I paddle boarded from port Harbor over to the . It’s 50 kilometers with a BPO two on board. But this is the first big planned expedition know I was against the clock here. All cause I’m trying to, in four consecutive days, I had to get from each leg to make sure that it could be an ordinance place.

And also, you know, the four world records. Yeah. In terms of sort of logistics for it, you, because, you know, as you say, technically, we’re still in a sort of lockdown, per se. Did you have any sort of trouble where. No. I mean, I was keeping a close eye on everything, so I don’t Glasgow and he just came out with what he locked down.

But [00:13:00] luckily enough, I was all right. You know, and especially, I mean, I was sort of catch myself anyway. I had this camper van you, any time you seem to be around people, it’s way more than the ferry going to from livable in terms of the lakes that you did, what, what do you sort of think was your sort of favorite moment from that trip?

No. It was getting into, when I came, when I came off, lock locked, name, the third one in Northern Ireland, I sat there, I promised myself I have a plane ticket and I saw the light. It was a tough one. It took me, you know, it was five hours, 11 minutes. How does pint of Guinness? I know that was one of my proudest moments in life and I was sitting I was thinking I could quit right now if I wants to, I think, you know, give it, give up.

We’ve got three well-bred quotes. Most that anybody holds in the paddleboarding world, I don’t think no, you know, quite a lot in my life. I, you know, normally I’m not going to quit and I’m going to carry on and I do this, I just had this fire inside me. I took that flyer. I went down to the pallet [00:14:00] lake. I remember just sitting inside the pallet.

Tired aching. And I have no idea where this energy just came from. I go on that leg, put my head down, went straight to the end. I had to come back again. Cause it’s such a short night when I got a really good time on that. I’m so proud of myself and it just was such an immense achievement as well. How long these lakes in terms of miles that you covered on.

Okay. Wait kilometers. Yeah. So look look, or was 40 kilometers. Lake Windermere was 18. Look, Nate was 38 and then pilot to the, to the end and back was 11 kilometers. Okay. And so you had to sort of wait there. Yeah, cause it shuts short. Shortly the rules were to get world records, have to go to the ends and then come back again.

I right. And this was the four longest biggest lakes in great Britain. Yeah. [00:15:00] Amazing. Cause yeah, Joshua, I think it was Joshua Pete Patterson. He did. Four four marathons in four countries around the United Kingdom in sort of 24 hours. And I was sort of thinking it was maybe on a sort of similar. What do you call it a similar sort of time with that, but no.

Oh, that’s amazing. I mean yeah, we’ve just done a trip and yeah. Covering those sort of distances certainly takes a bit out of you. Yeah, definitely. It’s like, you’re digging deep as well. You want to get you know, it’s quick as time as possible, really well, to what sort of times were you pushing with these.

So, I mean on the 40 kilometers a day, five hours, 24. And then on lake windmill, 18 kilometers, it’s two hours 10 look. Nah, I was five hours and 11, which is 38 kilometers. And then by like [00:16:00] one out of 20 in 11 K didn’t mind that. Yeah. And so if you’re down in Bournemouth now and what prepping prepping for the next.

Well, let’s see. Yeah. So back in the gym, sorts of the week off to relax back in the gym back training and yeah, getting ready. I’ve been, I’ve just started working with a company called Oscar potion who designing new blades paddle boards as well. So I’m trying to nose and I’m gonna try and try to out on a bit of terms as well.

See, see how it does going back. I mean, what was the sort of Going back. I mean, the sort of food that you were intaking because you’re sort of traveling from place to place. Was that sort of happening overnight, like the sort of three peaks where you climb up and down and then travel overnight, climb up, climb down, or was it, or was it very much like in the morning you would do it and then after noon you would [00:17:00] travel.

So, I mean, I went up so started in Scotland on the Monday. So I was in, I ended up in Scotland on the Sunday, cooked up, cooked dinner up there, made a big pasta dish to take with me onto the water. And once I finished up in Scotland, it’s done with the mess up my wind in there, on the farrier to Belfast.

And then did that one and then back, I mean, When I took the pastor out on the board with me, I found trying to eat that and paddle is impossible. So I just managed to get some protein balls to just eat those and let’s go in. So I made sure I had a big sort of hearty meal and evenings a bit healthy breakfast in the morning and just made sure I had fruit and the protein on the board.

Yeah. I just think what an amazing experience you’ve sort of had, because as you say, you’re going to some of the most beautiful parts of the United Kingdom. And say, I haven’t been up to some of the locks, but yeah, the lakes are just stunning to be [00:18:00] around. Oh, yeah, definitely. Definitely. And I I’ve been offered to go up to a lock next well to Ted Matt, like which is very tempting, but I mean, it’s a 10 hour drive from where I live, so it’s a long drive to go there, but I’m sure I reckon next next summer, I got to go up and do a lot at it.

Yeah, it’s a, do you, do you think you would have any luck doing, like all the locks, something like that. I mean, this I’m always sitting there and I’m always coming up with ideas. So I mean, ideally also has done great. But then, then try and do the longest lake every country in the world. We next summer we’re off to go and paddle the length of the scabs and coasts Namibia, which has never been done.

And we’re trying to become first team in someone else to do the Britain novel as well. In 2023. Well, I’m constantly looking, I’m looking at the globe group with all these different routes that can paddles. So just there’s so much out there, but you [00:19:00] know, it’d be great to do it all, but she’s trying to pick what to do and, you know, and process of getting them up, doing it.

Say what sort of drives you when times are getting sort of. Well, there’s sort of some terrible moments along the way, which you sort of had to dig deep. Did you find, or did you find with the paddle and it was very much a sort of routine thing. The the first one a lot or there was yeah, it was mostly at the end.

I mean, the women really picked up for me. It was kind of behind me, but I mean, I don’t think you’ve experienced it when you get on the board before. So in the world, the waves start rolling and the roll underneath your boards, the board back breaks on you. And it’s like those moments where you put all this effort in to paddle, then it’s all just taken out of your steam, just gone.

It’s like that. And it’s, if this is happening more and more, the wind was picking up, you know, the white waters, the white horses were breaking around me. I’m right at the end, like a seat [00:20:00] Kilkenny castle, which is the end point. And I didn’t take into consideration the river or as well, it comes in. So I had suddenly the current off that come in, these waves breaking on me, just so struggled in and distance, just in reach, but managed to get up, get around that.

And then the, when I was heading down to the lake district, we had issued rather. And went into limp mode. So it’s basically the same thing. It wasn’t going over 50 kilometers now. So after I finished that leave, I didn’t get to lake district till midnight. And about four hours sleep still don’t know the van would work.

The RAC came and rescued us. And then when I got to lake Windermere where I was so sleep deprived and lack of salts and all sorts, the cramps, I got all over my body. Ah, insane, really intense emotions. We’ll get through them getting that one. The toughest one was locked me. I mean, it was just such a big lake.

There’s one point right in the middle of it. When I was in the hearts of the law, [00:21:00] that I would look around me. I literally could not see any land. I was waiting for the farrier Liverpool the day before. And this sweet old lady was telling me all the horror stories, a lot about loss fishermen, the weather system, above that about these kayakers run.

And these waves started breaking about nine from there, you know, had to get rescued. So I was fine before I went on, then I went and read all these sort of these stories. And then she put the fear in me, go on the law, go out there, out in the middle of this lot. No one around me. I don’t like to see as he stopped clouds, forming the waves are getting bigger around me.

I was like, this is a lake. How is this happening? I shot these, these images in my head, but luckily, you know, I kept going unprepared. Worst case scenario I get rescued. It was all right. That’s exactly what you want to hear. Isn’t it just before the horror stories,

I suppose, when preparing for the, I mean, doing your research and everything [00:22:00] was it sort of months, years in the making or was this a, quite a sort of basic expedition to get off the ground? Yeah. I mean, it’s been for ages, I’ve been sort of planning there and it’s just trying to work out. I mean, working out, along these points, the lake straight away was, you know, a bit difficult and some of them, but I mean, it was really relatively straightforward being it’s in the UK.

And it’s just trying to work out logistically which way to go and try and work out where to sleep and all that. I think the hardest part. Yeah, exercise. I trained, you know, I was physically fit. I was physically well for it, but it was the traveling in between any 200 miles between each one. It’s not, we wouldn’t be doing it after you’ve just paddled.

I mean, I didn’t drive. It’s still sit in a van tired. It’s not, it’s not pleasant. Yeah, I know. I sort of agree. Well, I mean, it’s absolutely incredible that you’ve done it and I’m sure there are many more to come in the coming months and years. Definitely. Definitely. This is just the beginning. I’ve [00:23:00] got a real taste for it now.

So just, yeah. Watch the space. There’s more to come. Yeah. I think that’s the sort of issue is say it’s so addictive. Yeah. It’s a mixed thing. That’s why I think more people need to get out of there. Don’t make my . But not everybody has to go and, you know, have around the UK or puddle the four longest legs or, you know, run them out.

Every country eventually could be anything, but it’s just sort of take a little step out of your comfort zone. I think that’s what you need to do and truly learn more about yourself when you do that. And that’s what I’m doing at the time. Well, that probably leads quite nicely to a five questions. Which is these are the same five questions that we ask each guest each week.

And why the first one being from your trips and expeditions, what’s the one gadget that you always take with you? We won’t catch it. So I mean, everything I’ve always had my phone, but it’s the [00:24:00] app on there. I always use that. Absolutely love that. What about your favorite adventure or. I mean, I think we’re all frustrated.

Like that was worse. And I would say every, every every bookies I think walk the Nile was definitely my number one at his house. The first one I read after watching the documentary on telephone. Oh, that probably gave you a bit of inspo for your revenue. Nile expedition. I only had an opportunity to meet him not so long ago, but never came to cause of COVID discussed it.

Why are adventures important to you? For me it’s I use it as a journey of self discovery with my past and everything I’ve been on. It gives me this opportunity to learn more about myself, what I’m fully capable of. And that’s what I actually love. And that’s why I want to keep pushing myself to keep learning more about myself through grow and change in positive way as an individual.

Nice. And what about your favorite quote, [00:25:00] favorite quotes? The purpose of life after all is to live in it. Taste experience to the utmost to reach out easily and without fear for a newer richer experience, beautifully read Eleanor Roosevelt. Very good. Yeah. He has quite a few good ones. Him and him and mark Twain certainly came out with a few classics over the years.

So there’s loads up. I’ll also so rent I’ll find as well. There’s no such thing as bad weather is bad preparation, and that’s a good one as well. Listening are always keen to travel and go on these sort of grand adventures for themselves. What’s the one thing you would recommend for people who want to get started?

Just, just got to go do it. I think there’s no point everybody owns and ours don’t know. Should I do like, don’t listen to sort of the naysayers around you that might try and put down your head. It’s just, you just got to go and do it, you know, [00:26:00] just take that step into the unknown, which is adventure. Be brave, go out there for adventure.

What tips would you have for people who want to get into paddle? Just I mean, there’s so many great brands brands out there to do it, and it’s, it’s such a great all round of sports. I mean, I’d start off. We’ve just started out, start with a rigid board or not registered inflatable board get used to that.

And then if you feel more confident you want to go out and then start spending some more money on some better equipment. But always be safe and always, you know, prepare for when you get out of the water. But I’d say just go ahead. Even if you just go and hire a board for a weekend, there’s plenty of places to go into.

Very nice. Well, there you go. Everyone. You go paddleboarding. And finally, what are you doing now? And how can people follow your adventures in the. Yeah. So at the moment, just continuing of work training and preparing for the next sort of up and coming things [00:27:00] they can go to my website, no Manny cuddler.co.uk, or they can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at nomadic paddler as well.

No worries. Well, it’s been an absolute pleasure chatting about all your trips and very exciting for your upcoming trips as well. Thank you for having me. It’s been great talking. Great talking to you too. Well, thank you so much. Well, that is it for today. Thank you so much for watching and I hope you got something out of it.

If you did hit that like button and subscribe, if you haven’t already, and I will see you in the next week.

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